Saturday, November 23, 2013

Más x Menos

My quest for an authentic, yet appropriate podcast en español for high school students was not as easy as I expected. I first checked some of my frequented resources: CNNen Español, Univision, and even tried my luck just googling “podcasts in Spanish.” I wanted to find something interesting and relevant that was also understandable, but not “dumbed down” for students learning Spanish. Eventually what I found proved to be a pretty good balance of all of those criteria: LoMasTv.

Shows features of the website podcast player, from

LoMasTv is a podcast available free on iTunes, or one can subscribe to the website for a monthly, semi-annual, or annual subscription fee - but check out a free demo! It is produced in a video format with subtitles in Spanish and English. The website features a unique player which allows you to rewind, slow the video (and audio) down, and also click on words in the subtitles (which then pauses the video) to view their definitions. The videos all feature native speakers from a variety of countries and have a myriad of themes; for example, a simple commentary, virtual “tour” of a place of interest, a joke, or a short clip about a person’s livelihood.

A clip from "Guatemala: país de eterna primavera." 

I viewed several, but was most excited to find one about Guatemala. The podcast video of a native Guatemalan speaker describing important symbols and aspects of her country would make a perfect introduction to a unit or project. Students could possibly be encouraged to produce a similar podcast – either about a Spanish-speaking country or their own town/community. The podcast can be found at LoMasTv (and viewed with subscription) or on iTunes by searching “LoMasTv” and scanning the list for “Melany de Guatemala: Pais de eterna primavera.”

These podcast videos are usually between 1 – 5 minutes, touch on many different themes, and make a great introduction or supplementary video. Plus, the features on the website are a great resource for L2 learners. Overall, this podcast site seems to provide más por menos (more for less). 

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